Water Director Message: Marana working to ensure secure water supplies in the future

Marana Water Director Jing Luo

Water is a precious resource. At the Town of Marana, we’re always thinking of ways to not only provide the best quality drinking water to our customers, but to ensure our continued water resources far into the future. 

Marana Water Department owns and operates seven water systems, two water treatment campuses, one water reclamation facility, and more than 84.3-miles of conveyance pipes and manholes. Our hard-working employees provide water and water reclamation services to more than 12,000 water customers and more than 5,700 water reclamation customers. 

That’s a lot, and we’re not done growing yet! The latest Land Use Assumption projected that we will double our water customers and more-than-double our water reclamation customers within the next 10 years. Most of the growth will be in north Marana. 

We’re ready for them. 

More than 30 capital improvement projects have been identified for the next five years to expand our water and wastewater infrastructure. 

The North Marana Sewer Project will add 24 27-inch gravity pipes along Barnett Road, Sanders, Road, and Sagebrush Road. This will result in providing the conveyance infrastructure capacity needed to continue to accommodate growth in north Marana. 

The Tangerine Road 16-inch Water Line Project will extend from Interstate 10 to an existing reservoir east of the freeway. This project is intended to benefit the North Marana area by helping to address projected well capacity and storage deficiencies.

The Marana Park Well and Reservoir Project will install new well and reservoirs at Ora Mae Harn District Park, beginning construction this fall. This will result in providing the water distribution infrastructure capacity needed to accommodate existing growth in the North Marana area.

That’s not all. Marana Water is currently planning a variety of projects with the intention to provide safe and reliable infrastructure and water resource capacities to continue to provide the highest level of service to all Marana Water’s customers.

We are committed to cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdiction collaboration. We are currently working with Metro Water and Oro Valley Water Department on the Northwest Recharge, Recovery, and Delivery Project. This project will enable the partners to recover their stored CAP water that has been stored at the Avra Valley Recharge Project (AVRP) and transport it to their respective service areas.

I am so proud of the dedicated service of our staff who manage a wide range of operations to ensure long-term water sustainability for the Town of Marana and the region. Our goal is to make Marana the ideal place to live, work, and play for generations to come. 

As Marana continues to grow, we understand if you have questions about our water sustainability. Please check out MARANA Citizens’ Water Academy at https://www.maranaaz.gov/water-conservation and other water conservation programs.