Marana Parks & Recreation Staff "Spread the Love" with PB&J Donation Drive

Between the months of October to December 2020, the Marana Recreation staff hosted the “Spread the Love” campaign, a food drive to assist the local food bank with growing demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. The drive resulted in a donation of over 700 jars of peanut butter and jelly, totaling 1767 pounds, plus a $250 cash donation.

Parks & Recreation staff dressed up as Peanut Butter and Jelly at a “Spread the Love” activity.

Parks & Recreation staff dressed up as Peanut Butter and Jelly at a “Spread the Love” activity.

Recreation staff encouraged residents to beat the pandemic blues and spread some love by donating food focused on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, since it’s a kid-friendly, shelf-stable, and protein rich product with multiple servings in each jar. In addition to a continuous open food donation drive at designated Town buildings, the public were invited to get involved with a “Spread the Love” activity, which included a series of outdoor fitness classes, to-go craft kits, and pop-up “Jam Sessions” at various playgrounds around Marana. All activities were free with encouraged food donation.

Recreation Superintendent Corey Larriva said, “The drive was positive for both the community and recreation employees. As CDC restrictions tightened for traditional recreation offerings, this campaign allowed staff to shift focus and use their creative ‘super powers’ to help residents in need. The success of the campaign kept team morale high and still brought the community together despite social distance requirements.”

To spread the love and make others smile, recreation staff were often seen sporting Peanut Butter and Jelly costumes, posting PB&J signs in parks featuring knock-knock jokes, and dancing to the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song by the Buckwheat Boys. In addition to the department’s efforts, external community groups hosted independent PB&J drives to support the Spread the Love initiative. These included Tortolita Middle School National Honor Society, Marana Outdoor Market Place, and Archer Western.

All Donations were turned over to the Marana Resource Center Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, for local distribution to families in need.