11555 w civic center dr. / (520) 382-2570


There are many commercial water customers who have slightly different needs than residential water customers. For instance, they require a backflow prevention assembly. New commercial and irrigation meter installs require a backflow assembly permit along with the meter install request. The permit and the meter install request form links can be found below. Backflow assembly permits need to be submitted to

Backflow Assemblies FAQ

Meter Install Request Form

Backflow Assembly Permit

For information regarding commercial rates and fees, click on our rates and fees page here. Commercial accounts will need to confirm the meter size for the monthly rate, but all are billed a flat consumption fee.

If there is a question about the service provider for a property, please refer to the service area map here.


Commercial facilities that discharge regulated wastes into the sewers, such as metal finishers, car washes, auto repair shops, photo developers, restaurants, and hospitals must have an industrial waste discharge permit. To determine if the property is within our service area, refer to the map here.

The information below provides details on what types of discharge requires this permit, and the permit application. 

Any questions about this program can be directed to (520) 382-2582.

Industrial Waste Ordinance No. 2015.004

Exhibit A to Marana Resolution 2015-013

Application/Questionnaire for Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit